Malaysia Visa –

There could be various reasons why Malaysia visa applications of Indian passport holders are getting rejected. Some of the common reasons are:

Incomplete or incorrect application:

If the visa application is not filled out correctly or if the required documents are not provided, the application may be rejected.

Criminal record:

If the applicant has a criminal record or if they have been previously deported from Malaysia, their visa application may be rejected.

Lack of financial stability:

If the applicant cannot prove that they have enough funds to support themselves during their stay in Malaysia, their visa application may be rejected.

Lack of ties to home country:

If the applicant cannot prove that they have strong ties to their home country, such as a job, family, or property, their visa application may be rejected.

Security concerns:

If there are security concerns related to the applicant, such as suspected terrorism or espionage, their visa application may be rejected.

Malaysia Visa Check list – Malaysia E Visa For Indian – My Wish Holidays

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